Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Day in the Real World!

I have been a terrible, terrible blogger. Sorry, friends.....if anyone is still reading that is.
Today is Wesley's first day at work and mine and Hannah Kate's first day in the real world. No more Daddy here to help and have fun with during the day. I'm not too crazy about this! We have been spoiled! I am pretty sure I wasn't super cheerful wishing him off to a good day this morning because I was still half asleep as I had to get up and feed Hannah Kate (he normally feeds her at that time). Anyway, thankfully today is Early Intervention day. So, after her morning feeding and an hour long nap for the two of us (well, she slept longer than that while I got ready), it was Early Intervention time. We wore her out! It's a rough life having people play with you and make you do tummy time when you hate it. It wears you out and makes you cry, which wears you out even more! (Don't worry, tummy time lasted all of about one minute three different times.) So, Hannah Kate is out and I just ate lunch. And--yay!--the day is already half over!

Here's a cute video of Hannah Kate sleeping this morning while I ate breakfast.

YouTube Video

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