Thursday, November 29, 2012

Micaiah NICU Day 8 (11.29)

Weight: 2790g~6 lbs 2 oz

Breathing: he was taken off oxygen around 11am. He did pretty well most of the day. Today the monitor/alarms were making me a nervous wreck though. He had a couple of moments when his oxygen saturation dropped (desat), but it was when he was eating or trying to poop. His nurse said they weren't chartable offenses. When I called before bed, I found out that he had a couple of spells in a row where he dropped to the 60s (really not good) & had to be put back on oxygen to recover. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement. This means that they probably won't let him go home until Sunday IF everything goes well. His nurse had said today that she thought they'd want to watch him a "few" more days. Wesley is supposed to go back to work Monday.

Feedings: He is still doing great with his bottles & he nursed twice today (he did okay).

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