Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Micaiah NICU Day 6 (11.27)

Weight: 2730g~6lbs
Breathing: VapoTherm 1 liter, 21%........until 4:30pm, then nothing!!
Feedings: 55mL every three hours
At 11:30am, Micaiah got his first bottle (given by Daddy). We didn't think anything about him taking the whole thing. He took 34mL & the rest went down his feeding tube. At 2:30pm, I looked at him & saw that he'd pulled his feeding tube out. Apparently, he was informing us that he didn't need it. I gave him the bottle. I had told his nurse how Wesley was so good at giving Hannah Kate her bottles that she wouldn't eat for me, etc. Micaiah then proceeded to take all 55mL. His nurse made a big deal about how he ate better for me & we were going to have to be sure Wesley knew, etc. since he had done so well, his nurse took away his feeding tube completely. At 5:30pm, he took the whole bottle again (this time with no oxygen support!)! He did great with his breathing & recovered well from getting choked one time. 2 points for Micaiah & Mommy & 1 point for Micaiah & Daddy! :)

When we arrived this morning, his nurse had fixed his bed up all cute. It made me so happy. I'm pretty sure that's why he had such a good day!

His nurse today said a realistic expectation is going home in 3-5 days. Later, she said she'd see us when she came back Friday & "or maybe not!"

Hannah Kate stayed with Nana this morning, so Wesley & I were both able to be there for the first bottle. She is so over this back & forth. Her runny nose is back & way worse, she didn't get a good nap this afternoon & was way whiney tonight. I hate to take her down there tomorrow. We will see how she is in the morning, but I may just have to stay here with her & let Wesley go.

My phone posts the pictures all out of order :(

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