Thursday, September 15, 2011

7 Months!

I cannot believe Hannah Kate is 7 months old. People in stores are all of the time telling me to enjoy it because it goes by fast, and I am already experiencing that!
I can't upload pictures now, but I have taken them and I will upload later!

Diaper Size: 3

Weight: heavy! (I don't know!)

Clothing Size: 3-6 months-I'm still trying to get "one more" wear out of some of my favorite 0-3 things, but it's not happening!

Fun Facts:
-HK started eating rice cereal last week (9-6-11). We were bad parents and made it too thick the first time. She did NOT love it! BUT, we've gotten better at making it thinner and she's doing better!
-She moved to the Pack N Play for sleeping this week. She has woken up several times both nights that she has slept there. This is totally unlike her....and I hope it ends soon! She needs a crib and her daddy needs a full time woodworking assistant to help get all of these projects finished!
-She is learning the meaning of the word "no."
-Once a day (usually around noon), she gets violent hiccups. It's very sad. Sometimes she screams after each one!

Newest tricks:
-"talking"-LOTS of babbling and noise making going on these days. In the morning, I usually wake up to hearing her babble and talk to herself. Fun Fun Fun Times! Mrs. Diana was VERY impressed with her vocalizations and gross motor skills in Early Intervention yesterday. She said normally, babies aren't progressing that well in both areas at the same time.
-ROLLING OVER! She rolled from belly to back on Monday! She has done it a few times since then. Today during a terrible not napping nap session, she ended up on her back twice and that made everything worse! During early intervention yesterday, Mrs. Diana said she's very "strong-willed" and that she thought the only reason Hannah Kate completely turned over was because she was so mad and didn't want to be on her belly at the time. I said that's what we've been told since the first night!
-Going to sleep when I put her down for a nap. This is a huge and wonderful accomplishment. She still cries/fights sleep, but it's much quicker if I just lay her down.
-Pulling down on her bottle while she eats--this is both annoying and makes it difficult to feed her! A friend suggested moving to a faster flow nipple and that worked wonderfully last night and this morning....this afternoon she was back at it (after I order faster flow nipples, of course!).
-Rubbing her eyes when she's sleepy-she started this right after we got back from PTP

Things Hannah Kate does not Love:
-the sun
-going to sleep (during the day)
-thinking she's about to have to go to sleep (during the day)

Things Hannah Kate LOVES:
-Jumping-anywhere, but especially in the jumperoo
-Us "getting her belly" :) (Lots of belly laughs there!)
-Her sign language DVD (Signing Time)......she seriously smiles, coos, laughs through the whole thing. The other day she was squealing so loudly that she was choking herself!
-She's still really into putting anything and everything in her mouth. I bought her a couple of teething objects at Target last week and ordered her the Sophie the Giraffe teether from Amazon yesterday. Anytime she is in the high chair, I try to give her a spoon to play with. She's been doing this for about a month and it always goes straight in her mouth. Last night, she was in her high chair while we ate supper and she was pulling herself up to her tray-then, while still holding onto the tray, she was bending down and opening her mouth to try to get the spoon in it. It was pretty funny.
-She still loves her Bible song CDs. We have added a new one (Each Little Dewdrop) and we love it too. Today when "Father Abraham" came on, she started laughing-she still loves it!
-Going to Bible class! Her favorite song is "Mama Cat Has a Baby Kitten."

*Started 9/15/11, finished 9/16/11

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