Saturday, February 22, 2014

Micaiah 15 Months Old

So I'm REALLY on time for this month, huh?! Let's ignore the fact that I wrote last month's about two minutes ago!  I'm going to write this now so it will be correct & then add pictures later.  :)

Clothing Size: 12-18 months, Shoe Size: 4
Diaper Size: Medium/3
He goes to the doctor next week, so I will add weight, etc. then.

Fun Facts:
~Laughs a LOT & it's the best laugh!
~Still working on those four teeth

Food Fun:
~Micaiah has gone from loving some things to hating them  :(  (Green beans, peas, carrots, apples, vegetable soup, broccoli cheese nuggets....)  His favorite things are bananas, applesauce, sweet potato fries, bread, bread, bread, waffles, anything bread-like, sandwiches, chicken, fries, crackers, cheese.  I cannot get this kid to eat good fruits.  Ugh. 
~He has still only had water to drink & he is also still nursing (we are down to three times a day).  I am so thankful that he has been such a good nurser (a HUGE answered prayer!).  Our goal is to make it through March (end of cold/flu season).

Things Micaiah Loves:
~Reading books-FINALLY! He has pretty much hated books until this month.  Now, he will bring them to me & yell, "AHHH!" (of course, that means "read!").  He will sit still for several books in a row.  SO PROUD!
~Putting on shoes-he crawls to us with a shoe in his hand, hands it to us, & yells, "AHHH," then sticks his foot in the air.
~Sleeping in the same room as Hannah Kate.  This. Is. Huge.  We moved them together maybe three weeks or so ago.  The first two nights were TERRIBLE.  TERRIBLE.  Things are much better now.  Usually, he is asleep when I put him down, but if he isn't, he goes to sleep fairly quickly.  If he is awake & he can hear Hannah Kate, he ends up at the end of the bed close to her laughing.  Last night, they were yelling BOO to each other & laughing hysterically.  Thankfully, that doesn't normally last long. (He still naps in the guest room because they both sleep longer at nap that way.)
~Daddy-he gets excited when Wesley walks in the door & wants him to pick him up immediately.  He loves playing rough with Daddy too.
~Swinging (yay for warm weather this week!)
~Eating. A. Lot. (Honestly, he has eaten as much as me at lunch this week.)
~Having things put on his head.  He especially loves having a blanket/washcloth on his head & then crawling around with it on (even into walls-he thinks it's hysterical).

Things Micaiah Does Not Love:
~Riding on the inner-tube when it snowed.  Oops.
~Walking! What's with this kid?!  He is taking a few steps occasionally now, though (beginning the last week of January).  If he gets on a roll & sees he can go a few steps & we are cheering, he is happy. Otherwise, he plops to his bottom & crawls.  On February 7, he took several steps!

~He is not a talker yet at all. His favorite word is "AHHHHH!" (He yells this a lot....obviously, we should immediately know what he wants.) He also says "quack," "baa," & "moo" sometimes if we ask what the animals say.  He can say "Dada," "Mama," "Papa," "Nana,"  if he wants to.  He also loves to yell "BAAAAH" (BOO).

~more, all done, flower, baby

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