Friday, October 11, 2013

Micaiah~10 Months

This little baby is getting SO big!  I was holding him the other day & suddenly felt so sad that he was growing so fast.  I feel like my time with him is going too quickly!  He is an absolute joy & may or may not be a tad spoiled.....

Diaper Size: 3 Pampers, medium cloth
Clothing Size: moving into 9-12 month
Re-check on his CBC was October 2.
Weight: 18 lbs 15.5 oz

Food Fun:
~He regularly eats prunes, green beans, green peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, Puffs.  He likes grown up green beans & bread too. 
~He is still not a fan of drinking from a cup.

Fun Facts:
~He crawls SO FAST & deliberate! He started crawling (sort of) at Polishing the Pulpit on August 28. Within a week or two, he was officially crawling!
~He started pulling up on September 17.  He can pull up on & climb onto lots of things now.
~He started waving on September 23.  Recently, he started waving when we tell him too-he doesn't have to see someone waving to do it.
~One wonderful night, he slept almost 11 hours straight.  That was a RARE occurrence.  He wakes up at least once, usually twice between 9:30pm & 8:30am or so.
~His iron level was still low, so he is on an additional iron supplement now.
~He can bang toys. 
~He has been babbling quite a lot lately-/d/, /b/, /m/, /n/ & ahhhhhhhhh!

Things Micaiah LOVES:
~Chewing on the Bible-In his nursery class, he has his own special Bible because it has teeth marks in it.  I brought it home a week ago & taped it back up so maybe he won't eat the cover.  Today, he chewed a hole in the Bible we have at home!
~He loves Hannah Kate.  He likes to try to pull up on her.  She is not a fan of that.
~He loves to play in Hannah Kate's room.  I guess there are lots of things to play with in there!  He also loves to play in her play kitchen.
~He loves his mama.  He is SUCH a mama's boy.
~He loves Daddy too! Don't worry! :) He loves for Daddy to spin him around. 
~Getting in the fridge!
~Animals-he really likes dogs, but he laughs at other animals too.
~The song "Heart, Heart."  If he is crying, I can sing that & he usually stops.  He also gets really excited when we sing it at Bible time & in Bible class (I have been teaching his Sunday morning Bible class).

Things Micaiah Does Not Love:
~Sleeping all night
~Mommy putting him down to do something
~If I hand him off to someone else & they sit down right away, he usually flops his head back to fuss.  Recently, he did this twice with Papa & hit his head on the table.....hard.  It was sad.  Wesley said he would eventually learn not to do that.  
~Stopping eating

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