Wednesday, April 8, 2015

AiOH Season 1 Episode 9: "Get to Work!"

Season 1 Episode 9: "Get to Work!"
Wesley & Denise talk about the Biblical importance of teaching our children to work. How can we teach our kids to be valuable working members of the church & our family?

**This Week's Resource

The Skelton family blog:
Arrows in Our Hand Facebook Page:
Music: Summertime Happy Ukulele Background Track--Find more music by Nicolai Heidlas at
Artwork Provided by Shane Read Creative-contact Shane by email

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hk quotes

Hk: I like this day! I want to do it again! 

Hk during Bible time: Not me! Nope. I don't have sin. Except for good sin. 

(Later) Yep & Jesus died so we can go to Heaven. Isn't that wonderful?!