
Monday, August 13, 2012

18 Months

Hannah Kate is 18 months old! That's a year & a half. Crazy.
Diaper Size: 4

Weight: 23 pounds 12 ounces (50th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (right below 75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 centimeters (right below 75th percentile)
Not bad for a 28 weeker, huh?!

Clothing Size: 12-18 months (finally!)

Food Fun: Her favorite is crackers! She still LOVES fruit, cookies (she gets them rarely), cheese, bread (toast/jelly sandwich), cake (thanks to Nana), Cheerios.  She's gotten better with using her fork & will eat almost anything as long as it's on her fork & she can feed herself.

Fun Facts/Newest Tricks:
~Dancing-we have never told her to or shown her how to dance.....she hears music & she moves to the beat! She likes to push the button on her Fridge Farm barn to make it play music so she can "dance"-squat up & down or sway back & forth.
~We've been practicing with Hannah Kate each night to have her sit in between us & sing from the song book like during worship services.  She is getting much better.  She can sing parts of these songs: "Nothing But the Blood" (Jesus), "Christian Light" (blowing sound, shine, & no!), "Heavenly Sunlight" (we say "hallelu" & she says "jah!" & "mine" at the end), "Jesus Loves Me" (me), "God Made All the Animals" (three, bee, see, Kate).  She also knows most of the songs from her Bible class/Bible time during the day.  Of course, when we sing those songs during worship services, she doesn't say a word....until the end when it is quiet & then she yells the words she knows, but that's okay!
~Her entire life, we have said things like, "See the rocks? God made the rocks." etc. During Bible time, we sing about different animals God made & I say, "God made the birds." etc.....FINALLY, she will answer if you ask, "Who made the ____?" One week in particular, I would ask her & she would give me a blank stare.  I would say, "Say 'God.'" When she said it, I would say, "Yay! God made the birds."  So, the next day, when I asked her who made whatever, she would say, "Yay!" Silly girl.  Now she finally does it the correct way!
~She will be moving to the 18 month-3 year old class after PTP. :( I'm sad, but I know her new class will be great too.
~We have been working on her first memory verse: Ephesians 6:1 "Children obey your parents"-she will say each word after us to get a cracker (her favorite)
~If you ask her where Micaiah is, she will pat my belly (or any part of my body) & say "baby." If you tell her to give Micaiah loving, she will love on my belly.
~She likes to withhold her kisses! She will give a "kiss" on our cheek with no noise, so if we want a real kiss, we say, "I want a kiss with noise." Then, she will kiss & say "mmmm."

Things Hannah Kate LOVES:
~BOOKS-you should have seen her when we went to McKay's or the library! She can currently "read" parts of these books: Goodnight Gorilla, Pouch, Click Clack Moo, The Gingerbread Man, Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin, Love & Kisses, Whose Baby am I?, This Little Light, Peek-a-Who, Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Baby Bear Baby Bear, Skip to My Lou, Yankee Doodle (these are her favorite books right now)
~Saying "boo" to scare someone-she thinks it's hilarious if we act scared when she does this
~Other kids or babies-she runs up to them (whether she knows them or not) & says, "HEY!" (This scares some children, so we have to be careful!)
~Being tickled-as soon as Wesley gets home, she runs to him & says, "gethergethergether!" (get her)-she will say that & tickle herself if she wants you to tickle her.
~Her daddy riding/running her on her four-wheeler through the house.
~Making animal noises-some books I cannot even hear myself read because she's making the noises so loudly!

Things Hannah Kate Does Not Love:
~Having her hands/face cleaned after meals-she will answer "bo" if you ask if she's ready to get out of the highchair simply because she doesn't want to get cleaned up!
~Having her diaper/clothes changed

Favorite Words:
~"hep"-help (#1 favorite word!), hey, "bo," "pwease," "tank ou," "cowor" (color), happy (she says it in the happiest voice & smiles....precious!), "sop" (stop), go, hot, cold (she likes opposites), stir it up, "gethergethergether!" (get her), no no, "pump pump" (pumpkin), "gin" (again-she signs more as she says it), "Ji Ji" (Jimmy the paci-she started calling him by name & asking for him when she had the stomach bug recently), God, wok (Dada's at "work"), "pobby" (potty), "Caiah" (Micaiah)

Signs that she regularly uses:
~thank you, please, want, eat, drink, hungry, sleep, cracker, cookie, stop, hot, cold, tree, flower, bird, dog, cat

 Right about here is when she decided she didn't want to sit down anymore
 And then things got a little ugly--please notice the tears

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