
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Doctor Appointment, Baby's Name, Fun Times

I am seriously laughing inside right now because these things only happen to me.  I am glad that I can laugh about it (after my initial panic and crying on the phone with Wesley at work-poor guy) because otherwise, I would go crazy!
This morning, Hannah Kate woke up early and I decided to go to a yarn store 45 minutes away before my doctor appointment to get yarn to make this baby a blanket.  I loaded up the car with books, the iPad, the stroller, and Hannah Kate's lunch and off we went.  We went in the yarn store and Hannah Kate went hysterical.  She was crying (loudly) and I could not get her to stop. I have no idea what her issue was.  I finally had to take her out of the stroller while the lady was helping me pick out yarn--and she still kept crying.  The lady offered to get her a sucker.  I said, "She's never had one and it's worth a shot." I just wanted to get her to stop so I could get what we needed and be done.  Ugh. Anyway, we picked out some lovely yarn and then I went to look at material for the nursery.  I wanted to get the boy version (blue writing and accents) of the nursery rhyme material we used with Hannah Kate since they will be in the same room (hopefully).  I looked for it online yesterday and could only find it for $10/yard and not at the place we ordered it before.  They had it at the store for $5.99/yard! Awesome! :)  While I was on the phone with Martha trying to figure out how much to get, the nurse called me and said I needed to come in early for my appointment to have another ultrasound because they needed a better look at the umbilical cord.  I quickly paid for my items (while Hannah Kate licked her sucker, taking it out every now and then to yell "YAY!" and smile at the lady who gave her the sucker) and loaded the car.  As I loaded the car and put Hannah Kate inside, I picked her up funny and hurt my back (it still hurts!).  Ugh.  I called Kristy and asked her to meet me at the doctor's office, so she could help with Hannah Kate during the ultrasound.  Then, we hit the road for Chattanooga.  I called Wesley at work (since I was driving and couldn't text) and started crying and had to say, "everything is fine....I'm sorry I'm crying," several times before I could even get out that I was having to go for another ultrasound.  My poor husband.  He has come to expect craziness from me at this point, I think!  I got to the office a little early and texted several friends and asked them to pray that everything would be okay.  Kristy got stuck in traffic and wasn't able to get to the office before my ultrasound.  Hannah Kate was happily playing with the toys in the waiting room when they called me back and was NOT a happy camper at the thought of leaving them........seriously, this had to happen today? She is not a crier!  So, as I held a screaming almost 18 month old (whose shoe was falling off so she kept yelling "shoe shoe shoe" as she cried), tried to push the stroller with one hand, I also tried to avoid eye contact with every single person in the waiting room.  Lovely.  What a day.
We got to the ultrasound room and I apologized for not having someone for Hannah Kate.  I put the iPad on a chair, stuck her in the stroller, and she watched a sign language video while I had the ultrasounds (plural--I'll leave it at that).  The lady said before she started not to be panicked (when she realized I was) and that they just needed to check things again.  The umbilical cord has two vessels instead of three.  The tech said that they watch the baby's growth when that happens and that she has never seen it affect the growth-they just watch to be sure.  She also checked an issue that they saw yesterday.  Yesterday, the tech said that I had placenta previa (the placenta is on top of or in front of the cervix).  The lady today (who I happen to like much better) said that I actually have an accessory/auxillary lobe on the placenta that is close to the cervix.  More on that when I get to the point of where I actually saw the doctor.  So, we were all done and we went back to the waiting room.
Kristy got there and was able to stay with Hannah Kate in the waiting room while I went to the exam room to talk to my doctor.  While I waited, I texted a few more friends with a brief highlight of my day and included "I cannot make this stuff up." One friend responded with, "You need your own tv show!" Ha!
My doctor finally came in and said:
~the cord does have two vessels-she has never had a patient with that happen where it caused problems, but she does want me to go to a high risk doctor to have that checked out. (I requested going to Vanderbilt.)
~she laughed as she said, "AND your placenta has an accessory lobe that is close to the cervix." I am glad I'm not the only one who can laugh about this craziness!  It's not completely placenta previa, but it does need to be watched.  I am already going to have to have a c-section, so hopefully it will not be an issue.  It can cause issues a little later in the pregnancy, but we will just watch it until then.  The ideal situation is that it moves and isn't even a problem at the next appointment.  She wants the high risk doctor to check that out too.
~her exact words were, "This is NOTHING compared to last time." (to which Kristy later replied, "well, yeah, you'd have to have FOUR babies in there to compete with that!")
~I asked about traveling at Thanksgiving and she said no way. :/  That's what I figured.  My main concern is having Hannah Kate's Santa picture made in Johnson City (and it's usually the weekend before Thanksgiving.......).........but Kristy tried to remind me that there are other Santas available.  We will figure something out!
I gave her the number for the Vanderbilt clinic and told her who to talk to (hi, Patti!)....she had me wait with the nurse while the nurse called to schedule my appointment.  I heard the nurse saying at one point, "Yes she does.....she gave me your number and your name to make the appointment."  She said that Patti had said I wouldn't want to drive all that way.  :)  We have an appointment scheduled for August 15 (the Wednesday before PTP) so we will visit with our friends there and see Dr. B.  Fun times.  ha ha
We ended the afternoon by eating at Dairy Queen-Hannah Kate was thrilled!
Now, we are home. I am tired and don't plan on moving until Hannah Kate's nap is over (which will hopefully be a long time from now)!  Well, maybe I will scan the ultrasound picture to add here and then not move!
If you managed to read all of this, aren't you sweet (or bored). And aren't you saying, "Only Denise....seriously."  I can't make this stuff up, friends. Only us!
Oh wait, Baby's Name is in the title so I should add that too.......

We have been talking about names for a few months and Wesley wanted to use prophet names for boys.  I was reading off a list of prophets one night and came to Micaiah.  Wesley excitedly said, "That's the one! We have to pick him. He was sarcastic!" You can read the story of Micaiah in 1 Kings 22. (That link will read it to you and you can hear the correct pronunciation there. Click on the speaker icon. -actually this guy says it very awkwardly...imagine it flowing a little nicer.  The "ai" is a long i sound-the rest of it sounds the way it looks.)  My concern with that name is that people will always spell and say his name wrong.  I have tried other prophet names, but Wesley's heart is set on this one.  I even said, "Noah will be easier for Hannah Kate to say," and then last night I asked her to say Micaiah and she said, clear as a bell, "caiah!" Well, Micaiah is it, I suppose. Hopefully, people will say his name right and not drive me crazy! 
And, NOW we are done......thanks for reading this far!
Here's the yarn and material I got today. I went in having NO idea what colors I wanted and ended up with this, which I LOVE.


  1. I like the name but I will tell you only family and friend will pronoun it correctly. No one ever gets Mattheus right but he just corrects them and goes on. Congratulation!

  2. No one will say his name right and they'll try to shorten it to Mike, just keep with it and it'll be okay. We were really worried with Abigail because we don't like Abby or Gail, but she's will tell people, "No, my name is Abigail." No one even spells Isaac's name right, so good luck!
