Diaper Size: 4
Weight: No idea
Clothing Size: She is wearing some 9-12 and some 12-18 month clothes. The 12-18 are still pretty big, and the 9-12 are getting too small. I'm about to just phase out her 9-12 stuff because she has SO much 12-18 for summer, I hate for her not to be wearing them!
Food Fun: She loves fruit. I seriously think she would eat it for every meal if I let her. She loves strawberries (especially GOOD, fresh strawberries), blueberries (she is currently on blueberry restriction because she eats WAY too many and it has yucky effects!), cantaloupe (hearing her say this is hilarious, and she never says the same way twice), grapes, bananas, and sometimes apples. She really likes crackers and ice cream and since VBS was last week.....COOKIES (she doesn't get cookies often, though).
Fun Facts/Newest Tricks:
~She's walking great. She can balance well, stand up from sitting in the middle of the floor, even catch herself when she's falling and be almost on her bottom-but not quite-then stand up!
~When you ask her to say Jesus, she says, "me." I realized the other day that maybe she was saying Jesus Loves Me, so I said, "Jesus loves....." and she said, "ME!" and smiled so big. Precious! She can even sing the "me" in the entire song of Jesus Loves Me if you stop to let her say it. This might be my favorite trick of all. She can also say "me" in the right places in the window song they sing in Bible class (I look at my window and what do I see? Trees swaying, swaying for me.)
~She can spot a Bible anywhere! It can be hardback, paperback, big, small--she seems to know it's a Bible. She will say "Bible" and then "awwwww."
~Giving kisses. She leans in with her mouth wide open and says, "Mmmmm," as she kisses you. Since Sunday, when we ask her to blow a kiss to someone she kisses us instead. I'm not sure what's started that, but more kisses for us!
~She likes putting things inside something (like her purse) and taking them out.
~She's started "singing" sometimes during services and today she did this in the car as we were driving. I told someone that it's like she's a back-up singer because it's usually "ooooooohhhhhh."
Things Hannah Kate LOVES:
~Sitting in a laundry basket "seat." Seriously. She's liked this since our stay at the Johnson's house-they had a doll pack n play that she sat in. The past two days, she has been obsessed with the laundry basket seat. Yesterday, she got in and sat there with books, laundry, and a few toys for an hour and a half! When I took her out, she was not happy!
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(Can you tell we've been wiping her nose a lot lately?) |
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(Signing bird (her way) because a duckling is a bird) |
~Walking. She LOVES to walk. Anytime we get to the church building, she tries to get down and says, "wok wok!" She wants to do this in stores too...fun times.
~Reading books. She brings us books ALL DAY LONG and says, "Ead! Ead!" and climbs in our laps. I am glad she loves books. :)
~Being outside. She says "side! side!" and signs outside. She mainly likes to "wok" or sit on her slide. She can slide by herself and get back up the steps, but she really likes just sitting at the top of the steps/slide.
~Jimmy her giraffe paci........last week she started asking for him randomly. She will also go to her crib and say "seat! seat!" so that I will put her in the crib and she can sneak Jimmy in her mouth.....I'm wise to her game now, though. I usually just tell her no and she cries for quite awhile. She's only been getting Jimmy at bedtime, in the car, and during worship services for months. Today, we didn't take Jimmy in the car, but I gave her a book to look at and she was fine. The original Jimmy broke this weekend, so we have a spare paci and a separate stuffed giraffe. She just keeps flipping him around looking for the paci. :/
~Baby Signing Time DVDs.....anytime she sees the iPad or computer she asks for "baby, baby."
Things Hannah Kate Does NOT Love:
~Having her nose wiped
~Hearing the vaccum
~I am certain there are more things I will think of........so stay tuned!
~peekaboo (it's not perfect, but I can't remember right now what she says), seat, book (pook), neigh, dog, hey!!!, hi!!!!, nana, papa, yuck, water, walk (wok), tractor, thank you, no (bo), puppy, hot, drink, eat, food, strawberry, bubbles, butterfly (bu fy!), go, phone, hello, night night, banana, biscuit, purple, bible, cold, me, bite (pite), cantaloupe, blueberries, up, down, frog, sheep, cow, meow, fish, cat, tree, please (peas), flower, dirty, car, read (ead), Cheerios, drink, milk (mik), outside (side), water, pizza, Daddy, Mommy, amen, hello, bye bye, cookie, cracker, cheese, bath (ba), pee pee, poop, yes, bird, bull, Bible, love you, see, shoe (she calls her feet shoes), choo (want you? I think.....she says this if she wants me to hold her), boo..... (76!!) I am sure there are more, that's just all I had documented in my phone. She can repeat almost anything that you ask her to say.
~Other words that she has said once or twice lately: Ali (/a/ ee) (that's her Bible class teacher), Angie, Sheri (She she), Maggie, Mollie, Granny, Carol, Gracie (these are in no particular order!)
~She has put two words together a few times "pite peas" "ead peas"
~book, milk, eat, food, dog, sleep, water, cold, hot, car, flower, dirty, all done, up, tree, dog, fish, yes (she can sign yes, but says "bo" while she signs it sometimes.......she's really against saying yes!)
~There is a "sign review" option on one of the DVDs. On May 26, I did it with her and paused it each time as soon as the word and picture popped up. The picture doesn't always give the word away (for outside, it's a door)....she "read"--up, bug, outside, grass, and possibly sun. I need to do it again with her and see if she can read them. After I did this, Wesley did random signs to her during supper and she would do the sign and say the word. :)
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(Not crazy about having her picture made at first) |
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(That's better!) |
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