
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hannah Kate's First Cattle Event & Visiting Ma Coley

Hannah Kate enjoyed her first cattle event. She (her mommy) was really excited that the weather cooperated and she got to wear her adorable cowgirl boots! Sarah joined us and we left right after breakfast Saturday morning. Hannah Kate was a pretty good traveler and was SO good the rest of the day. She didn't get down to crawl or play from 8:30-2:30 because we were in the car/barn. I was highly impressed. She did great! I was expecting the sale to scare her because it was loud, but she didn't mind. Once when it got quiet, we realized she was "singing" and making noise. :)
Dad and his siblings

We were excited to see Kellie and Clifton. It was the first time for either of us to see each other's babies. Kellie and I grew up showing cattle together.
I have no idea why this picture is all the way down here......
Please note the manure on her boot (I held her hands and let her walk for a bit).....she wanted to be authentic!

When we got to Ma Coley's, we decided Hannah Kate smelled like a barn and needed a bath. Ma Coley happened to have some baby soap, so that was handy! She walked in the kitchen and said, "That's where my babies used to take a bath." So Sweet!This was Hannah Kate's first time to meet Cousin Kim (who lives in California). She was excited to meet her! We got a girl cousins picture with Ma Coley....and Charlie. :)
We tried waiting until Chad and Jan arrived so we could have a cousins picture, but it was so late and it also was the night of the time change. We made it home at 11:45pm. Hannah Kate did great!

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