Diaper Size: 4
Weight: March 9 (RSV clinic): 9.59 kg 21 pounds 2 ounces
Clothing Size: 9-12 months (she's still sticking with her adjusted age for clothes!)
Food Fun: Hannah Kate is finished with Mommy's milk as of March 11. She is still getting a little bit of whole milk with her vitamins and Miralax before bed each night in a sippy cup. I feel like she needs to be done with something right before bed, Wesley isn't so convinced, so we are working on that. Her new favorite is red grapes (cut up, of course!). She eats grapes with almost every meal. She eats a 1/2 jelly sandwich and grapes for lunch almost everyday. I'm a little concerned because she doesn't each much meat, but she will eat lunch meat on a sandwich, so I got some at the store this week to try to get some more protein in her! She still loves banana for breakfast! She has also recently tried apples, mandarin oranges, strawberries and blueberries. She chews the apple into tiny pieces and spits it out. She really likes mandarin oranges.
Newest Tricks:
~She's cruising everywhere on everything.
~Climbing stairs. We don't have stairs, so she does this at Nana and Papa's house. She just needs to learn to crawl back down on her belly. That'll be hard!
~Her new favorite thing to do is to "stand up." Wesley or I grab her and stand her up and usually sing, "Stand up and tell me if you love my Jesus." She tries to balance herself as long as she can. It usually lasts a few seconds. Friday night this is all she wanted to do. She kept crawling to Wesley and climbing on him and laughing when he would stand her up. She stood for quite awhile at one point-her little arms were shaking and her eyes were SO big, she was so proud of herself! Then, I got the phone out to video her and she stopped (of course).
~She can choose between two objects when we ask her. For example: "Which one is the Bible?" (while I hold her Bible and something else)-she will pick the Bible every time. She can also differentiate between our phones-they are identical except mine has a pink case and Wesley's has a black case. I can hold them in my hands and ask, "Which one is Daddy's phone? Which one is Mommy's phone?" and she picks the right one!
Things Hannah Kate LOVES:
~Standing up
~Our phones-Wesley has gotten into the habit of turning on bluegrass music on his iPhone and handing it to Hannah Kate when we are playing in her room. She loves this. She will try to put it in her mouth, but most times she will stop when we tell her to. (If not, we take it away.)
~The iPad-we just got the new iPad last week. Wesley downloaded a game for her (Fisher Price has free baby apps) that has the Sing 'n Learn Puppy like she has. She loves this. Of course, it's like a giant phone to her. :)
~Walking-She likes for us to hold her hands and let her walk.
~Our porch swing-we have been spending time on the porch swing in the late afternoons before Wesley gets home. I think she likes it more than her pink swing! She likes to stand up on it backwards (while I hold her so she doesn't fall).
~Bible class and Bible time-She still loves it!
~Books-she can turn the pages by herself and she likes to look at a book and "talk" like she's reading the story. So sweet.
~Baby Signing Time DVDs-she still loves them. She has started making motions similar to the signs during the songs and saying some words when they sing. When it comes on, it sings "Baby Signing Time,"-Hannah Kate says "baby, baby" over and over.
~Windows-these are her favorite-she has a lot of favorites. There are fingerprints and hand prints on every window! She also likes blinds, but we try not to let her play with them.
~Brushing her teeth-she thinks it's hilarious when we brush her teeth. She laughs the entire time.
~Jimmy the Giraffe Paci-I do not even want to think about when we have to take him away from her. She only has him at nap/bed time or during church services sometimes. When we go to pick her up from her bed, she almost always has one Jimmy in her mouth and the other in her hand.
Things Hannah Kate Does NOT Love:
~Giving up something she's playing with. We are working on this. If it's time to clean up or we take something away from her for some reason, she falls to pieces. One night, at the beginning of March, she was playing with Wesley's phone. He took it from her to change the song and she pitched a FIT. He was originally going to give it back to her, but then he couldn't because she was throwing a fit. She signed "more" to him and so he gave it back. She took it from him, fumbled it around in her hands and then THREW it at him. We were shocked. I spanked her and told her no and she cried and cried. She signed "more" again to him, so we gave it back to her and she fumbled it around in her hands and THREW it AGAIN! (neither time was a real throw, more like a Hannah Kate baby throw, but still!) Needless to say, she was corrected again and we were done with the phone for the night. She is one stubborn baby.
~Shopping-Hannah Kate needs to go to Nana's Shopping Camp. She isn't a great shopper, but maybe she gets that from me! As long as the stroller is moving, she's fine. If I stop to look, she gets very impatient!
~Having her ears cleaned out-it's like wrestling an alligator!
Hannah Kate went about two weeks of saying nothing good. She learned all of these wonderful words right after her birthday party and then went on strike. She likes to be difficult. She would only say "/b/" for everything. She is finally getting out of that in the last week or two. I know I should list the words she was saying at 13 months, but it's 2 weeks later and I can't keep up (it's all documented in my phone anyway).
/b/ for banana or anything she wants, more-starting to sound more like "more" but it has a b at the beginning, moo-started at Agribition and then she has remembered it every time she sees cows-last weekend she mooed at every cow we saw in the pasture!, Mama, Dada, puppy-she said this SO clearly and distinctly when Wesley showed her the Fisher Price puppy game/app on Friday-we were so proud and she has yet to say it since then, Amen-it sounds more like /a/ loudly, up-when she's ready to get out of the highchair, she says /u/ loudly, Papa, baby-she has even used this independently and in context on Sunday in Bible class-they gave her a baby doll and she started loving on it and saying, "Baby, baby," then she cruised over to Aunt Jana and Baby Cousin Mollie and started patting and saying "baby, baby,"-I was SO proud when Jana told me!, she will also attempt to say some words when you ask her to do so-during early intervention last week she said something that sounded like bumble bee and puppy! she also has said something for God, Jesus, Bible.
more, all done (with one hand still), sun (we think......she moves one hand in the air kind of in a circle)-sun is on our favorite DVD (A New Day)
She understands a lot more signs than she actually uses.

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