
Friday, February 17, 2012

Hannah Kate's 1st Birthday Party-The Party

We were a little anxious about how Hannah Kate was going to enjoy her party. When we have had a bunch of people at our house before, she was overwhelmed. I also wanted to make sure she got a good morning nap and didn't wake up to a house full of people. The day before we had Kristy, Kellee, Michael, and the 4 Duncans at our house helping prepare for the party and visiting. That night (when 5 of them were still there), Hannah Kate had a complete meltdown. I think the afternoon of activity was just too much for her. After that, we were extremely nervous about the party! We prayed for her to have fun and not be overwhelmed and tried to make the party morning be as normal as possible. Michael and I played with her in her room like we normally do (while Wesley finished our bathroom vanity drawers and doors) while the Duncans did party stuff for us (Thank you, friends!). She took a good nap and woke up at about 11:15am. That was perfect because the party started at 12pm. We were still trying to keep her normal routine so I kept her with me instead of out in the hustle and bustle of the party set-up, etc.
I got her dressed and then took her out right as people started arriving. She was awesome! There was not one tear or even any fussiness during the whole party.

Thanks to Brittany for helping document Hannah Kate's first birthday!!

Putting on her "birthday suit" as Wesley called it :)

The Duncans stayed the night with Mark and Jana-Maggie was VERY excited to have Gracie to play with her-they stayed up until 11:30 and were up at 6:30, I think! Thanks to Mark and Jana for helping house our guests!

I love the activity in this picture-definitely hustle and bustle! :)
When Kellee and Kristy arrived to help the day before, Kellee put her arms in the air at Hannah Kate and said, "Yay." It stuck. Hannah Kate kept doing that to Kellee for the rest of the day (and she still does it to us now if we say, "Yay!"). It was so funny and PERFECT for her party pictures. :) I took these of Ma Coley and Hannah Kate and then Wesley told me I needed to stop taking pictures. So I did. Thank you, Brittany!!!!

Wesley thanked everyone for coming and for bringing items for the NICU, Papa blessed the food, and we got busy partying.Granna stole a kiss.
Our friend Emily made Hannah Kate's shirt. It was perfect!

This one cracks me up!
Hannah Kate's NICU book arrived about an hour before the party, so everyone enjoyed looking at it.

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