
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hannah Kate-1 Year Old!

Wow. Time flies. Actually, I don't know how much time really has flown in the past year because there were definitely portions that I felt went slowly. Anyhow, I can't believe that Hannah Kate is one year old. It makes me so sad, but I'm so thankful that she's healthy and happy!
Diaper Size: 4
Weight: 20 pounds 14 ounces on Tuesday at the Preemie Clinic
Clothing Size: 9-12 months
Food Fun: Hannah Kate gets one bottle of 100 mL of breastmilk at night before bed (to use what is in the freezer). The rest of the day, she's drinking whole milk and water and eating her food and some of ours. Her favorite food right now is "/b/" which banana! The past week she has been sick and is finally getting better now. She has not been a good eater this past week, but it's starting to pick back up now. She likes macaroni (but it must have cheese), sweet potato fries, broccoli cheese nuggets, bananas, pears, Yo-Baby yogurt, and bread! One of the only things she would eat this week was grilled cheese sandwich. She likes cheese!
Newest Tricks:
~She's still crawling everywhere!
~She can pull up to anything and uses her teeth to help her about half of the time.
~She can bang things together-she's been able to do this, but the other day I said, "Hannah Kate can you bang your cups?" I didn't use any hand motions or anything. She picked them up and banged them together-I was impressed!
~She's also gotten really good at turning pages in books (board books). She will sit there and turn the pages and babble like she is reading it. SO sweet.
~She isn't completely "cruising" yet (holding onto something and walking sideways), but she has done it twice. Babies normally cruise before they transfer-standing and holding one thing and switching to another-according to Mrs. Diana, but Hannah Kate likes to be different. She has been transferring for at least a week.
~Wesley got sick when Hannah Kate did last week and had been using hand sanitizer after he blew his nose. Apparently, Hannah Kate picked up on it because now if we wash our hands or put on sanitizer, she rubs her hands on her arm. We have this on video. :)
~Fake coughing-when she was sick, she would stop coughing for real to fake cough at Wesley. Only Hannah Kate!

Things Hannah Kate Loves:
~being held upside down
~looking out the window on the door in our sun room-the bottom half of the door is filled with fingerprints, hand prints, nose prints, and mouth prints. I love it!
~Sign Language DVDs-We have been watching the Baby Signing Time Volumes 1-3 that she got for Christmas a lot (usually once a day, sometimes twice).
~riding in shopping carts
~getting into the refrigerator-anytime the fridge is open, she is in it! This week, she managed to get one foot up in the refrigerator and grab a yogurt container.

Things Hannah Kate Does Not Love:
~changing clothes or having her diaper changed
~having her nose wiped (which is bad news when you have a cold!)
~cleaning her hands or face after eating-she cries every single time

~hey, hi, Daddy, Mama (finally!!!!!-she said this for the first time the night of her birthday party), Nana (she's said it once and it was so clear!), /b/ for banana, more (but it sounds different....kind of garbled), /p/ for please as in "more please"-that lasted a few days, ball
~She picked up banana and more please the week after her party. She really loves bananas and would eat them all day if I let her. I was trying to limit her to 2 a day. One evening, she was in the kitchen saying /b/ VERY loudly. I was trying to offer her other things and she finally grew impatient and said, "Mama! /b/ Mama! /b/!!!" It was so funny. Of course I had to give her a banana for that! Now that she knows these words, she gets very frustrated if you don't give her exactly what she's asking for when she starts asking.

~more, all done, ball
~waves bye bye for bye or night night
~milk.....milk was one of her first signs, that lasted a day.....this week, she was crawling and her sippy cup of milk was in the way, she was trying to crawl over it, but she was in the doorway and was having trouble. She cried, stopped crawling, sat up, moved the sippy cup, then looked at her hand and signed milk. She CAN sign it, she just won't. If she wants more to drink, I ask her milk or water and do the signs for both. She just signs more and says more until she gets the cup she wants. Silly girl.

Last monthly photos with Daddy's ring

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