Diaper Size: 3....until we finish this box, then she will be in size 4. She will be in a bigger size diaper than our friend's 14 month old. What's with that?!
Weight: 19 pounds 7 ounces according to the pulmonologist's scales Friday, 19 pounds 11 1/2 ounces according to the pediatrician's scales Monday......So somewhere around 19 pounds!
Clothing Size: 6-9 months-she just moved to that size a week or two ago. On a side note, this is the last size for our favorite Carter's pajamas. I am quite sad about that!
Food Fun:
Hannah Kate started eating more "finger foods" on Friday. My friend, Jennifer, told me that she made sweet potato fries for her little boy and he loved them. I made some for Hannah Kate and I think they are her favorite food!! They do smell pretty good when I heat them up for her! It's sweet potatoes cut into "fry" shapes or chunks, drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon then baked. She loves them and can't get them in her mouth fast enough! She also likes peas (individual peas she can pick up with her hands) and broccoli. She tried avocado on Friday and is NOT a fan. I think that's all of the new foods. Wesley gave her a regular green bean at his parents' for Thanksgiving and she took a bite then shivered. It was pretty hilarious.
She is getting GREAT with her sippy cup. She usually drinks until she coughs and then bangs her cup on the tray.
Newest Tricks:
~Hannah Kate is great at sitting up......she has only sat up completely by herself twice though. (Oh wait....since I wrote this she has now sat up one more time and I got to see it!) Once was last week when I was drying my hair. She was rolling in her room screaming, then I looked again and she was sitting up playing quietly. I ran in there cheering for her and trying to take her picture and she would not even look at me! Wesley said she didn't need me anymore! That same day, she crawled two "crawls"? as soon as Mrs. Diana arrived for early intervention. We looked at each other and said, "Did you see that?!" Since then, she has continued to combat crawl and roll.
~She is a politician waver! She waved for the first time on a Sunday morning to Jeff while he was preaching and waved awesome for about two days. Now, you have to get her arm started if you want her to wave at someone. If she's looking in a mirror, she immediately waves to the baby! So sweet! It's all in the wrist for Hannah Kate and she likes to double wave with both hands. :)
~She has recently found her voice again and likes to make high pitched squeals (which really hurts our ears) or high pitched sighs (which are just funny).
~Hannah Kate is still an expert roller-she can get anywhere by rolling.
~She is great at getting from sitting up to on "all threes"-she just can't get that last knee in the right place. So, she gets down on threes....rocks.....sits back up....down on threes, rocks, sits back up again.....over and over and over!
~She has also gotten good at holding onto you when you hold her. She almost always holds with her hand and if she really wants to be held, she uses her legs too!
Things Hannah Kate LOVES:
~Finger foods!
~Rolling to electrical cords and putting them in her mouth. Why are these so appealing?! She also loves finding our phones and putting them in her mouth.....she can find them anywhere!
~Chewing on things
~Her "God Made Me" book-she loves the hair on the girl because she can chew it and the mirror in the back because she kisses the baby and waves at her. She can be crying and we will give her that book and she immediately starts smiling and talking to the baby.
~Going to Wal-Mart-she loves riding in the buggy where her feet can dangle and all of the attention she gets from random people!
Things Hannah Kate Does Not Love:
~Sitting in her bouncy seat (being restrained)
~Being told no....she will stop whatever it is that she was doing and cry, and then usually try to do it again. It's a whole process: "no," stop and cry, do it again, "no," stop and cry, do it again, "no," discipline....cry again. She is learning!!
~Getting the RSV shot....VERY sad times-she cries for a good five minutes afterwards. :(
Now, for pictures. You will notice a Christmas theme because it's December!

More pictures on the way!
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